PDMovie PDL-AF Remote Live Air Follow Focus

PDMovie PDL-AF Remote Live Air Follow Focus

  • 1x Battery Charger
  • 1x Bluetooth Controller (PDL-TC-AF)
  • 1x Camera Hot Shoe Clamp
  • 1x Motor Mini (PD-BTM)
  • 2x Batteries
  • 2x Micro USB Charging Cables

  • LIVE AIR utilises an improved molding design which includes a magnesium alloy body with better shock absorption, lower density, impact resistance and stronger load capacity. Each dimension is finely carved with CNC.
  • The highlight of LIVE AIR is the addition of the MOTOR MINI, which is lighter, thinner, and easier to set up than any previous wireless follow focus system.
  • The LIVE AIR controller mounts to anything with a 15mm-30mm diameter without the need of any accessories, the controller can be mounted with any handheld gimbal stabilizer, three-axis gimbal stabilizer, shoulder rig, tripod, top handle, jib, steadicam/glidecam, gimbal ring etc.
  • Inside LIVE AIR controller, included is a small internal battery that can last in standby for up to 20 hours, and up to 8 hours use.
  • The LIVE AIR motor now has a battery slot which uses a 600mAh 7.2v battery. Once the battery connects with the motor, it will start up and sync automatically. The LIVE AIR motor has a built-in power saving feature which results in a 4-hour battery life.
  • One of the main features of the LIVE AIR is that all of the functions can be controlled with just one button. The indicator can visually display the state of the motor or controller's battery information.

Supports E12 800mAh battery 7.2V input
  Bluetooth connection
Maximum torque: 0.4Nm
Compatibility DSLR lenses and cinema lenses
Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs (0.68kg)
Motor thickness: 17mm